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Nick Christiny
Software Development & Security
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Film recommendation engine API built from scratch. Rails-API MongoDB backend and React frontend with Webpack. Testing Rspec, Guard and Mocha, Chai. Source code (back end). Source code (front end).
Chord Explorer
Ruby on Rails single page app. Final group project for Dev Bootcamp, completed during 8 days in November 2015. Shows the user songs they are able to learn given a combination of known chords. Also suggests new chords to learn next. Source code.
Lightweight Sinatra app, fun with instagram-ruby-gem
and Instagram API. This was deployed and hosted on Heroku until June 1 2016 Instagram API rule changes for media viewer type 3rd-party apps. Source code.
Gaming: The System
Web app CRUD functionality. Built observing the 12-factor app methodology. Source code.
Magic 8 Ball™ Simulator
Just for fun, a little Sinatra app that I made in my spare time to practice authentication, authorization, AJAX calls and RESTful routing. Source code.